August 2022

A Walk Down Memory Lane

First off, I'd like to thank all who left comments on my last blog post (including my Face Book page)!  That post was basically about what I did with a very small amount of teeny weeny gemstone beads. I had several people comment that I should make bracelets.  I should have been more clear in my blog post.  These beads were "left overs" from previous projects - sometimes I only had 12 beads to a bag. And, with the small sizes, it would only amount to about 2" of beads.

New Gemstone Necklaces

In my constant quest to use supplies that I have on hand,  I turned to my itsy bitsy gemstones.  Now, I am talking 3mm - 6mm beads - this is small!  I had quite a few bags on hand - some with just a few beads.  What to do??

Winner Announcement

It's time to draw a winner's name for this amethyst necklace with a lovely cross pendant by artist Inviciti:


Thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to leave a comment - I truly appreciate it! To choose a name, I assigned a number to all those who commented either on my blog of Face Book post.  I then let Random Number Generator do the work for me!  The winner is:

Kim Potochnik!

Kim, this will be in tomorrow's snail mail run (USPS)!

Thanks for stopping by!!



I am Hosting Another Giveaway!

If you have kept up with my blog posts, I recently went into detail about how bad business has been.  But, one benefit is that I am literally poring through every single bag of beads (that number is in the hundreds) to come up with ideas.  Today's make has become my latest giveaway!

Shop Update!

It's been a rough 2022, no?  

Winner - Mixed Metal Earrings and Bangles

Once again, I very much appreciate all the well wishes for me, as well as comments left on my blog and my Facebook post!  It is truly very much appreciated!