Another successful online class

So, needing more inspiration to hopefully kickstart my business, I recently finished another online jewelry class.  This class was from Deryn Mentock (link here), who has had online jewelry classes, as well as in-person classes, for years.  This class involved making prong settings.  Unlike traditional prong settings, where there is a backplate to assist in holding the stone in place, this technique involves making settings whereby the stone appears to float within the setting. I will admit - this technique takes a bit of patience and practice - but oh so worth it!

A few blogposts ago, I highlighted a couple of pairs earrings that I purchased from Deryn, made with these settings. I instantly fell in love with this setting as it is perfect for stones with an irregular shape, translucent, or that do not have a "flat back" to sit within a standard bezel shape.

First up was this pair of Oregon Sunstone Rosecut cabochons - such a beautiful stone!  I have alredy gifted this pair to my sister.

Next up is this pair of Hematic Quartz Rosecut cabochons.  The color in these stones is so different from any other - those inclusions in the quartz are from iron.  Fabulous!

The last pair of earrings are Gray Moonstone Rosecuts, and these are my favorite to date!  I first textured the wire with a brand-new-to-me tool, which if you know me at all, texture is everything!  But the moonstones...swoon!

I then focused on single stones for a necklace.  I purchased this Rutilated Quartz in 2016...2016!  The needle-like inclusions look like threads of gold, which I find so fascinating! Mother Nature worked overime on this one.

I posted a picture of these hand carved gemstones below a few blog posts ago (link here) and I thought about a prong setting.  This was just BEFORE Deryn advertised for her upcoming class....kismet I tell you!

The first necklace features that beautiful hand carved, double sided Aquamarine.  After I made the pendant, I realized I HAD to procure Aquamarine beads to complete the necklace. I swear I could stare at these beads all day long!  The amazing amout of facets just shimmers - and the bead strand features varying shades of baby blue!.  Perfect for anyone born in the month of March!

Lastly - the carved Citrine. Once again, I felt the need to add a chain of citrine beads to complete the necklace.



These items are now available in my shop

I will most definetly be using this technique in the future!  I am so grateful to all those who teach....I hope they continue to do so!

Thanks for stopping by!





Ah! So that's what you did

Ah! So that's what you did with that beautiful aquamarine string of beads. It is gorgeous. I can see you using this kind of setting for many of the treasures you have. They are all wonderful.

New class

Yes - Aquamarine is becoming one of my favorite stones - the blue is so very soft and appealing! I hope to do more designs with this setting, soon!

Gorgeous pieces

Your pieces are so gorgeous! I truly love your work.


Thanks so very much, Therese! I appreciate your taking the time to read and leave a comment - means everything! :)

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